A virtual gallery only opens, never closes. No need to finissage it.
Still I am seeking a final blog post, some last words and most important:
Virtual Gallery Walkthrough
Pros of Virtual Galleries:
+ You can invite people from all over the world.
+ It can stay open for ever.
+ Low costs. No need to print photographs or paint with expensive colors.
+ You design your own crazy gallery room, as big or blue or wall-less as you want
Cons of Virtual Galleries:
– Getting in contact with visitors feels impossible and
– You can’t go there with your family and friends.
– … what leads to almost no feedback.
– Knowledge of digital 3D-tools and a good computer required.
– simply doen’t feels that amazing to open your exhibition in pyjamas on your couch 🙁
Thanks to everyone who helped so gently:
- Lee Subin – Research&Translation
- Danielle Recksiek – Translation
- Franz Cornelius Hussing – 3D Skills
- Jan Lukas Fründ – Final Retouche
- Cho Chung-Yean – Recommentation
- Hana Yun – project management
- Alissa Kreh – Microphone;)